All About Me


Yo Guys!! Hello, my name is Abdurrahman Ilyas Al Muflih. Please call me Ilyas. I'm 14 years old now. I leave in Bandung, Indonesia. I'am a student in SMAN 3 Bandung, the best scholl in here. I'll tell you about my daily activity

I wasa boern in Bandung 13 September 2004. My hobby is practice Pencak Silat. Why I like Pencak Silat? Because I'm happy to do it. Pencak silat took me to the Championship.  I've won several Championship like first winner national martial arts championship, first winner pencak silat championship junior highschool level, and many more.

Oh, I forgot, I haven' explained about Pencak Silat. Pencak silat is national martial art from Indonesia. Pencak silat is similar to taekwondo, karate, and judo but, pencak silat has its own art in attacking opponents like bantingan, kuncian, tangkisan, and original technique. 

I have one brother. His name is Rijal. He is 16 years old now. I think he is very nice, smart, good at playing games. He's in 11 MIPA 6 class. Oh, he is a martial arts athlete like me. But, he is more diligent than me. He always won the championship that he participated in. He is he is truly a martial arts athlete.

Ok, that's my bioghraphy, Thanks for reading. Goodbye
