
World Tournament Pencak Silat will be held on 5 days, starting from 20 - 24 November 2019, at Padepokan Pencak Silat, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta.
The purpose of this tournament is to explore our traditional art and make the youth generations love pencak silat.

 The participants can registration start from  September 13th  up to November 10th, 2019. The registration only 175K, and you can pay it in the TMII's officer.

Competition categories are:
fight, male and female (class A, B, C, D, E)

TGR, male and female

The prize for the winners is:
1. The First Winner: Gold Medal, Certificate, and Grand Prize 10 million IDR.
2. The Second Winner: Silver Medal, Certificate, and Grand Prize 7,5 million IDR.
3. The Third Winner: Bronze Medal, Certivicate, and Grand Prize 5 million IDR

For more informations, the participants can get it from the personal in contact:
Ilyas 0882-1884-4496
Rijal 0812-2146-1392
